Families of students in grades K-5 meet 2x/month on Sunday mornings from 10-11:30. Students prepping for FHC in our parish program meet weekly at that same time.
Middle School Ministry and High School Confirmation meet on alternating Monday nights from 6pm -7:30pm.
MSM & HS Youth Ministry will come together for spiritual, service and social events several times over the course of the year (dates, times and activities TBD).
This is for families with students in grades K-12
If you have not registered in the parish in the past five years, you must also include a parish registration with your packet. Please make sure that you sign the bottom of each registration form before returning. Please return completed forms and fees to the parish office (There is also an option to pay online. Link is on the final page of the registration form.
If you would like your child prepared for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion or High School Confirmation, please note that it is a two year process, with an additional sacramental prep fee, of $100 payable in the first year.